We are a small, family-owned business that got involved in pain relief alternatives after personally discovering its amazing benefits for a wide array of health concerns. We started using it for our personal needs and fell in love with it almost immediately. It didn’t take us long to decide that we wanted to help as many people as possible benefit like we had, so we started searching for the best source available to carry in our shop.
Unfortunately, we learned pretty quickly that there are some major problems in the market. Hemp absorbs virtually everything in the soil it grows in, which means that any toxic elements found in the soil end up in the final product that you consume. Additionally, many extraction methods utilize alcohols that can also be quite toxic.
Even worse, most extraction methods remove the vast majority of cannabinoids, leaving a final product that is high in pain relieving substances, but lacking in all of the other elements that are found in the original plant. Finally, many hemp crops were cultivated to maximize it's potency at the expense of all other plant benefits, further reducing the diversity of the final product.