Hormonal fluctuations are normal in the first 4-6 weeks after birth as the body transitions from pregnancy into motherhood. Our ReBalance After Birth Hormonal formula is lovingly made to support mood and balance hormone levels after birth.
- Support for healthy hormone balance and reintegration.*
- Balancing for the new mother.*
- Safe for use while nursing.*
- Gluten-free & Vegan.*
- Available in our unique and convenient pump top bottle.
While all our pregnancy, postpartum and children's formulas contain organic gluten-free alcohol — which is used to extract the herbal constituents and preserve the tincture — our finished products have as much alcohol as a ripe banana per serving.
Hormonal fluctuations are normal in the first 4-6 weeks after birth as the body transitions from pregnancy into motherhood. Our ReBalance After Birth Hormonal formula is lovingly made to support mood and balance hormone levels after birth.
- Support for healthy hormone balance and reintegration.*
- Balancing for the new mother.*
- Safe for use while nursing.*
- Gluten-free & Vegan.*
- Available in our unique and convenient pump top bottle.
While all our pregnancy, postpartum and children's formulas contain organic gluten-free alcohol — which is used to extract the herbal constituents and preserve the tincture — our finished products have as much alcohol as a ripe banana per serving.