Honestly Essential Oils - Lesson 12

The 12th episode of insight into Essential Oils and how they can benefit your life and improve your Lifestyle!
Hi, my name is Cecilia Salvesen, and I would like to discuss Basil Essential Oil. This oil, if overused, can be overstimulating and it can also be a skin irritant. So use it wisely. Don't use it on pregnant women because it is possibly abortive. This oil is used a lot for the nervous system and the digestive system. As far as the nervous system goes, it's good for nervous insomnia, mental fatigue, for depression, debility, anxiety for migraines and normal headaches as well, and it also clears up fears, mental fears.
As far as the digestive system goes, it helps even with jaundice and flatulence, indigestion, gastritis, gum infection with teeth and a sluggish liver and gall bladder. It's also good for many other systems. And these systems I discuss in my book, Aromatherapy for Natural Health and Beauty, I will be discussing more oils with you and look forward to that.
Thank you.
Cecilia Salvesen is the author of You Become What You Eat, Aromatherapy for Natural Health and Beauty, and Healthy Lifestyle Guidelines. She is a therapeutic Aromatherapist and Reflexologist, and practices Foot Compression and Meridian Therapy. She holds diplomas in Complementary Medicine, Therapeutic Reflexology, Therapeutic Aromatherapy, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology.