Honestly Essential Oils - Lesson 13

The 13th episode of insight into Essential Oils and how they can benefit your life and improve your Lifestyle!
Hi, my name is Cecelia from HonestlyEssentials.com. Today I would like to speak to you about benzoin essential oil. This resin is taken from the trunk of a tree grown in Vietnam, Thailand, as well as Malaysia and other parts of the world. It is excellent for skin conditions and respiratory problems. For skin conditions, I like to use it for eczema, psoriasis, for chapped skin, cracked heels. And I like to combine it when dealing with cracked heels and chapped skin with camphor essential oil as well as lemon to soften the skin.
This oil is excellent for respiratory imbalances such as bronchitis especially, and then asthma, coughs, colds and flus and even used for rheumatism and gout when it comes to skeletal problems. It's a fixative in perfume, which means it holds the scent and it combines well with other oils such as lavender, sandalwood, geranium, etc.. More information on benzoin can be found in my book, Aromatherapy for Natural Health and Beauty. We will be discussing more oils as we go. Thank you.
Cecilia Salvesen is the author of You Become What You Eat, Aromatherapy for Natural Health and Beauty, and Healthy Lifestyle Guidelines. She is a therapeutic Aromatherapist and Reflexologist, and practices Foot Compression and Meridian Therapy. She holds diplomas in Complementary Medicine, Therapeutic Reflexology, Therapeutic Aromatherapy, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology.